Tip 1: Don’t memorize answers
Do not memorize the answers, particularly in Part 1. A memorized answer doesn’t provide the examiner with a precise measurement of your proficiency in English. Examiners will be able to determine that you’ve memorized the responses and this can affect your final score. Get more tips for IELTS speaking through IELTS Coaching in Chennai which gives effective IELTS speaking tricks.
Tip 2: Don’t Use Large and unfamiliar terms.
In the IELTS speaking test, you may try to attract your examiner by using big and unfamiliar words. However, to ensure your safety, avoid using words you do not know. Mistakes are more likely to be made by making a mistake in pronunciation or by using words in the wrong context. Making mistakes can affect your final score. Use a wide range of words that you know are relevant to the topic being discussed. Explore the topics covered in Tip 8. Create mental maps or a list of words that will help you understand additional words and phrases related to these lessons.
Tips 3: Make use of various grammar structures
If IELTS examiners test your proficiency in speaking they assess your performance according to the following assessment criteria:
- Coherence and fluency
- Lexical resource
- Grammatical range as well as accuracy
- Pronunciation
Tips 4: Do not fret regarding your accent
In contrast to an artificial intelligence system, when you take an IELTS test in person, the examiner will understand a range of pronunciations so that you may recognize what you are saying. Nothing to be concerned about if you can communicate well and comprehend the language. Because English is a difficult time language, be careful of sounds you don’t understand and make sure to apply intuition and stress. Learn with your buddies, and they’ll let you know if they get what you’re saying.
Note: IELTS Online Coaching provide guidance that how to prepare for IELTS speaking as well as writing.
TIP 5: Stop to think
There’s nothing wrong with taking a few moments to consider what you want to say. It is a common practice to think about questions. Use phrases to allow you to think about the speaking test. Examples include:
- This is a fascinating query
- I’ve never really thought of that I haven’t thought about it, but…
- Let me see
- This is a valid point.
- It’s a tough problem, but I’ll attempt to provide an answer
- Some people claim that this is not the case, but I would say…
- Think about it for a moment
Tip 6: Avoid using fillers
Do not use using the fillers below:
- Like
- You know
- Umm…
- Ahh…
- Ehh…
- Well
- Yeah…
Tip 7: Extend your answers
Make sure you answer the questions of the examiner incomplete. Expand your answers, and don’t be patient for the examiner to call you with an inquiry. If your answers are not complete and rambling, it indicates to the examiner that it is difficult to discuss in-depth about the subject. If the examiner asks “Why?” The examiner is asking you to provide a rationale for your answer, and to go on to elaborate more.
Tip 8: Smiling helps pronunciation
A smile can calm your nerves, which improves your pronunciation. Make sure you speak clearly and open your mouth wide enough to allow you can clearly hear your voice. Smiles mean that our mouths are larger and the voice becomes more pleasant. A clear voice and clear tone will prove to the examiner you are able to use a variety of accent features.
Here we listed the tips for IELTS speaking and how to prepare for IELTS speaking. This information will be useful for the students who are preparing for the IELTS exam. If you need proper IELTS coaching, get into FITA Academy. It is the foremost IELTS Coaching Center in Coimbatore with career guidance.
Also Check: 8 Tips to Improve Your Spoken English